by Jason Zuidema (NAMMA/ICMA)
Catharina Silberman, Stiftelsen Sjömanskyrkan i Stockholm – Sjömansinstitutet 100 år. 2017.
The 100th anniversary volume of the Stockholm Seamen’s Church and Institute is a rich and detailed account of an organization that has continually adapted to the needs of seafarers over a century. Established during World War I in 1917, the Stockholm Seamen’s Church was initially focused on organizing welfare for Swedish sailors. Over time, particularly in the 1930s, the organization expanded its role by providing education to unemployed seafarers. This aspect became so central to its mission that the Sjömansinstitutet remains a well-known institution, with its large neon signage still visible on the former building in Stockholm’s harbor.
The book offers a comprehensive look at how the Seamen’s Church evolved alongside the maritime industry. As Stockholm’s port expanded and shifted locations, the church adapted its services, ensuring that it remained accessible to those who needed it most. In the early years, it was heavily engaged with Swedish seafarers, but as local maritime activity declined, the mission pivoted to caring for foreign crews arriving in Stockholm’s Frihamnen and Nynäshamn ports. The adaptability of the organization is captured well in one reflection: “We could see that the world was changing, but our vision remained clear—we continued to serve seafarers, wherever they were.”
One of the key strengths of this book is its ability to provide a microcosm of the history of maritime affairs through the lens of the Seamen’s Church. The changes in global trade, shifting port infrastructures, and the economic realities of seafaring are all reflected in the evolution of the organization. “We once served Swedish sailors almost exclusively; now we find ourselves welcoming crews from the Philippines, India, and Eastern Europe.” This shift was not without challenges, but the Seamen’s Church consistently found ways to remain relevant.
One particular feature that distinguishes the Stockholm Seamen’s Church from other similar organizations is its use of holiday homes and a retirement home for seafarers. This aspect of welfare provision is quite distinct compared to many international counterparts. “A home away from the sea was just as important as a refuge in the harbor,” as one former director put it. Another unique aspect was the publication of their magazine, “With Sailors in Port,” which ran for many years and provided valuable insights into both the work of the organization and the lives of seafarers themselves. “Through our magazine, we could share stories, challenges, and even triumphs of those who passed through our doors.”
Perhaps one of the most fascinating aspects of this history is the concept of sailing chaplains—ministers who would actually board vessels and travel with crews. This model of chaplaincy, unlike the stationary port ministries, was a distinctive feature of the Stockholm Seamen’s Church for a number of years. “Being able to meet someone with a duty of confidentiality and who does not work on board can be very welcome. The Seamen’s Church wants to be where the people are. Since reality, including short layovers and tight work schedules, makes it difficult for seafarers to come to us, the Seamen’s Church has to come to them.” Though this practice has become rare, the book raises the question of whether it might be revived in some form to meet the realities of modern seafaring.
The book is also commendable for its use of interviews with individuals who were involved in the organization for many years. Their long memories provide valuable firsthand perspectives on the changes that have taken place over the past half-century. “When I started, the ships stayed in port for days, even weeks. Now, we’re lucky if we get a few hours with the crew before they sail again,” one longtime team member remarked. The depth of historical insight provided by these interviews is an invaluable addition to the written record.
This book effectively demonstrates how the mission (the ‘how’) of an organization can change over time while staying true to its vision (the ‘why’). The Stockholm Seamen’s Church continuously adapted to shifting maritime realities but always remained focused on serving seafarers. Its history serves as a microcosm of the broader maritime industry, reflecting both its growth and its challenges. The organization’s distinctive features—such as its holiday homes, retirement home, long-running magazine, and sailing chaplains—are interesting points of comparison and contrast to other seafarers’ welfare institutions worldwide. The book benefits from the voices of those who lived this history, providing depth and authenticity to the narrative.