Celebrating Exemplary Service: NAMMA’s Distinguished Service Awards 2024

On September 25, the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA) presented its Distinguished Service Awards to two individuals who have demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the welfare of seafarers: The Rev’d Judith Alltree and Rev. Philip Vandercook. Their decades-long contributions to maritime ministry were celebrated during the conference by NAMMA President, Dcn. Paul Rosenblum.

The Rev’d Judith Alltree

The first award recipient, The Rev’d Judith Alltree, has dedicated many years to serving seafarers through The Mission to Seafarers – Southern Ontario and The Mission to Seafarers Canada, providing spiritual and practical care to those at sea. Judith, speaking of the honor bestowed upon her, remarked, “It is deeply humbling to receive this award. My work has always been about the people—serving the seafarers who face long and difficult journeys away from their families.”

Reflecting on her journey, Judith expressed heartfelt gratitude to the NAMMA community: “Thank you, NAMMA, for your support and for recognizing the work that so many of us feel called to do. It’s been an honor to walk this path alongside friends and colleagues who share a common vision of compassion and care.”

Judith emphasized how maritime ministry has been a deeply personal calling for her. “Every encounter with a seafarer has left a mark on my life,” she shared. “It’s the resilience and strength of these individuals that inspire the work we do every day.”

Deacon Paul Rosenblum praised Judith’s leadership and dedication, noting, “Judith has been a beacon of support for seafarers across Canada. Her tireless efforts have expanded the mission’s reach and deepened its impact on countless lives.”

Rev. Philip Vandercook

The second award recipient, Rev. Philip Vandercook, serves as Executive Director of Global Maritime Ministries in New Orleans. For years, Philip has faithfully led the ministry to new heights, providing vital services to seafarers visiting one of the busiest ports in the United States. “I am deeply honored by this recognition,” Philip began his acceptance speech. “It’s a privilege to be part of a community that is devoted to serving those who often go unseen and unheard—the seafarers who keep our world connected.”

Philip reflected on the growth and expansion of the ministry under his leadership, highlighting the importance of teamwork and collaboration: “This award is not just for me, but for everyone who has worked alongside me. It’s the collective effort of our team that allows us to reach seafarers and provide them with the care they deserve.”

In discussing the future of maritime ministry, Philip emphasized the need for a larger perspective: “We need a really big vision. The work we do is not confined to one port or one ministry; it is part of a global effort to support and uplift the lives of seafarers everywhere.” He emphasized that such a vision requires boldness, innovation, and collaboration across ministries and regions.

Dcn. Rosenblum, in presenting the award to Philip, acknowledged his unwavering commitment and the lasting impact of his work. “Philip, your leadership has transformed the lives of so many seafarers who come through New Orleans. Your dedication is a true testament to the calling of maritime ministry.”

A Shared Commitment to Seafarers’ Welfare

The Distinguished Service Awards, formerly known as the Lifetime Membership Awards, are given to those who have demonstrated exemplary service to seafarers’ welfare both locally and globally. Both Judith Alltree and Philip Vandercook have demonstrated unwavering dedication and compassion, making significant contributions to the well-being of seafarers over their many years of service.

In closing, Dcn. Rosenblum remarked, “These awards are a celebration not only of individual achievements but of the collective effort to serve seafarers across the globe. Judith and Philip embody the best of what maritime ministry stands for—compassion, dedication, and a deep commitment to service.”

Learn more about NAMMA’s Distinguished Service Awards here.


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