Book Review: A Century at Kilindini: The Story of Mombasa’s Mission to Seafarers 1921-2021
Review by Dr. Jason Zuidema, NAMMA Michael Sparrow, A Century at Kilindini: The Story of Mombasa’s Mission to Seafarers 1921-2021. Nairobi, 2021. This is the second edition of the story of the mission in Mombasa, a thoroughly revised edition of the book
In the News: Seafarers’ Ministries in North America 2022
by Jason Zuidema, NAMMA Often, seafarers’ welfare is done ‘under the radar’. It is often said that the general public does not pay all that much attention to shipping, a proverbial “sea blindness”. In previous years, this has meant that seafarers’
Christmas Meditation: “Hail, Full of Grace”
by Dcn. Paul Rosenblum, President (NAMMA) / Stella Maris (Charleston) Video message at NAMMA Christmas Gathering, December 20, 2022 In the Catholic tradition, it is customary that during the fourth week of Advent the Mass readings come from Saint Luke’s “Infancy Narrative,”
Gift by Gift at Port Arthur
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA The dynamic seafarers' ministry in the Port of Port Arthur, Texas, is welcoming seafarers to its center with Christmas cheer and boarding ships with gifts. The local Stella Maris outreach operates through
Cleveland Seamen’s Service Provides Christmas Cheer
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA Though we are all supposed to dream of a White Christmas, snow and ice can be challenging for seafarers. This is true on the Great Lakes in the winter when things freeze
Christmas in Port Everglades
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) By Susan Huppert, NAMMA As Christmas draws near, packages are moving across the country on tight schedules. At Port Everglades, FL, the crunch is always on. “Years ago, it would take days to unload a cargo ship,
How does Santa deliver gifts to the whole world? [Video]
Santa's network is a lot more about ships and ports and less about reindeer and the North Pole! Check out The MARE Report for great stories of seafarers' missions serving seafarers at Christmas.
Christmas in the Port of New Orleans
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA The vision of the Port of New Orleans, La. is to advance global connections to exceed the needs of tomorrow. Within this port community is Global Maritime Ministries, a Christian outreach to the world
Historic Christmas Giving: Christmas in New England Ports
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA Innovation and progress permeate the shipping industry. But some things never change. One is the commitment to care for those who make their living at sea. Christmas programs in New England began in
Christmas in Mobile, Alabama
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA The Stella Maris Maritime Ministry has all hands on deck for its global Christmas giving. The ministry, under the Archdiocese of Mobile, is one of a worldwide network providing spiritual and material support to people