Meeting a Huge Need: Package Delivery for Seafarers
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, NAMMA Thousands of guests board and disembark the nine massive cruise vessels at the Port of Canaveral on a regular basis. The enormous vessels are geared to entertain and attend to patrons. Yet,
NAMMA Helps Seafarers Affected by Ukraine Conflict to Stay in Touch with Home
by Jason Zuidema, NAMMA With the generous support of the TK Foundation, NAMMA has delivered $25,000USD in support to 25 seafarers' missions in North America to help seafarers' affected by the conflict in Ukraine stay in touch with family. NAMMA's program was
Survey of WiFi onboard ships in the Port of Vancouver April 2021
by Peter Smyth, Senior Port Chaplain, Mission to Seafarers, Vancouver In April 2021, The Mission to Seafarers in Vancouver, BC undertook a small research project to determine what Internet needs seafarers had in the port. The survey was conducted in conversation with
Internet Hotspots for seafarers while in port
Article audio (courtesy of Don Sheetz) by Susan Huppert, The MARE Report Providing tools to seafarers for Internet access in ports is overdue. While at sea it is critical. Skirting the border of North America are port cities where global markets move.
“Communication with home makes the life we choose at sea a bit better”
by Susan Huppert, The MARE Report Connectivity is one of the most obvious and simple answers to ensure that seafarers are able to cope while on board, according to The Mission to Seafarers (MTS). MTS gets valuable feedback each quarter from
Asylum and Refugee Status for Ukrainian Seafarers
by Phil Schifflin, Center for Mariner Advocacy Can I seek Asylum or Refugee status in the United States and what is the difference between the two? In order to seek Asylum or Refugee status in the United States you must fear persecution
NAMMA Releases Survey Report on Seafarers’ Ministries and Welfare in North America, 2022
by Kevin Walker and Jason Zuidema, NAMMA In January of 2022, the North American Maritime Ministry Association (NAMMA) distributed an online survey to its members, asking about the state of seafarers’ welfare in their ports. Responses were received from 38 ministries
Providing SIM Cards to Help Seafarers Connect with their Families
by Susan Huppert, NAMMA The global workforce of 1.89 million seafarers who live and work at sea needs a variety of methods to stay connected to the rest of the world. Most are not as simple as dialing a phone on
NAMMA In Discussion – Mark Wodka Shares Best Practice for Online Prayer for Seafarers
by Jason Zuidema, NAMMA NAMMA In Discussion - Rev. Mark Wodka of Canaveral Port Ministry spoke with NAMMA's Dr. Jason Zuidema about some best practices for online prayer for seafarers. Canaveral started the 'Waves of Hope' daily Facebook chapel time at
Enabling seafarers’ safety and health protection: A way forward
by Carolyn A. E. Graham, Ph.D., AFHEA, PHF The COVID-19 global pandemic has severely impacted the global economy due mainly to the prevention and containment measures requiring closures of borders, restricted travel, closures of businesses except for essential services, and physical distancing. These measures