The MARE Report: A Magazine for Seafarers’ Welfare Professionals 2019
This is the 2019 issue of the MARE Report Magazine. The MARE Report (MARE is the 'sea' in Latin) is a new magazine published by the North American Maritime Ministry Association to discuss issues affecting seafarers' welfare
The Lighthouse: a friend of the mariner
(Image: East Quoddy Head Lighthouse, [Head Harbor Light since 1829.] Campobello Island, NB, Canada. Photo courtesy of Nicholas Nasobko). Lighthouses are the friend of the mariner, and they have a long history of service to seafarers. There are some 21,200 of
Chaplaincy to Seafarers from a Sailboater’s Perspective
Over the last year, NAMMA member Eric Phinney of the Saint John Seafarers’ Mission and his wife Val have been sailing in a sailboat called Tevah (the Hebrew word used for both Noah’s ark and Moses’ basket). The trip gave
“I know chaplains who are hurting”: Confronting Isolation
By Susan Huppert, NAMMA Isolation goes viral The poet John Donne’s line, “no man is an island,” is not only great poetry, but a human reality: people need to be connected. Yet loneliness and isolation seep into our lives even in a
Responding with Compassion to Those in Need: Archbishop Hiltz on Mission to Seafarers
During the most recent Missions to Seafarers Canada regional meeting in Thunder Bay, Jason Zuidema of The MARE Report had a chance to sit down with The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and liaison
Gamification in Online Learning: MARE Training’s Approach
by Kevin Walker, NAMMA MARE Training A top priority of the developing strategic plan for NAMMA is the focus on training to attract and retain people in seafarers' ministry. This continues a trend developed in the last few years: NAMMA has prioritized
Book Review: Dreaming of a Better Life
Stefan F. Lindberg and Lennart Johnsson. Dreaming of a Better Life: Humans as Commodities. Stockholm: Wall & Vivien, 2017. This book is a collection of stories and photos of migrant workers around the world, intended to humanize the workers and help
MLC: Mixed blessings for seafarers
by Carolyn Graham, PhD and Captain Kunal Narayan, MSc The International Labour Organization (ILO) is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2019, and with good reason. Like a storm-tossed ship, it has weathered many internal and external adversities, some so great that its
Book Review: Into the Raging Sea
Rachel Slade, Into the Raging Sea: Thirty-Three Mariners, One Megastorm and the Sinking of El Faro. Ecco, 2018. On October 1, 2015, Hurricane Joaquin brought down the El Faro along with every member of its 33-person crew. Boston-based journalist Rachel Slade’s
Finding Fulfillment in Chaplaincy
By Susan Huppert, NAMMA Transitions can be a navigational challenge. But for these newly established chaplains finding fulfillment in a new role proves to be profitable. Three professionals who shifted from their previous positions to the world of serving seafarers discuss how