The MARE Report 2024

Welcome to this tenth print edition of the MARE Report, the journal of
maritime ministry. We extend our gratitude to all our writers and colleagues
in seafarers’ welfare, whose invaluable contributions have informed the
articles included in this issue. Our work at NAMMA and ICMA has seen significant developments
as we have resumed travel and engagements post-pandemic. This period
has been marked by a full schedule of conferences, training courses, and
regional meetings, which have been instrumental in enhancing our outreach
and impact. It has been a pleasure to participate in research and witness
the tangible effects of our efforts in the maritime ministry community.
This edition features a variety of articles, including an exciting piece on
a new initiative in St. John’s, NL. We delve into our conference theme, “First
Things First,” explore the profound impact of small acts of kindness, and
highlight the importance of learning and fellowship within our community.
Additionally, we provide updates on NAMMA and ICMA’s recent activities
in Antwerp and Seattle, and we look forward to seeing you at future meetings.
Produced by the North American Maritime Ministry Association
(NAMMA) and the International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA),
The MARE Report aims to support all who care for seafarers, fishers,
and their families by providing valuable information. We hope that
the articles presented here will assist you in your work with maritime
people, whether you are involved in charity, industry, or academia.

The MARE Report 2024


NAMMA members receive a print copy of The MARE Report, NAMMA’s annual magazines for seafarer’s welfare professionals